The XHTML WYSIWYG Editor For Desktop & Web Applications

Setting up multiple image libraries

XStandard accesses an image library through a server-side script called imagelibrary.aspx (.asp or .php). XStandard points to the location of this script through the ImageLibraryURL <param> tag. You can specify multiple image libraries in this <param> tag by separating each URL to the image library by a space. For example:

  1. <param name="ImageLibraryURL" value="http://domain/imagelibrary1.aspx http://domain/imagelibrary2.aspx" />

As best practice, if you are going to use multiple image libraries, disable file upload in all but one image library. In this way, when a content author uploads an image, they will not be prompted to select a library where the image should be stored. Instead, the image will be uploaded to the only image library that supports file upload. Disabling file upload is done by modifying the variables in imagelibrary.aspx.